

Hey Larry, Today, around the world, SumOfUs members are in shock.  Many of you, like me, probably had a sleepless night. I’m shocked and afraid for what the future holds for the United States, and the world.  Donald Trump and the Republicans will control the White House, Congress and the Senate. SumOfUs members are part of a global community.  There are millions of people in the United States and around the world who will be directly impacted by this result.  Many of them are feeling anxious and afraid right now. We’re sending our thoughts to them all. In this moment we need to reaffirm the values and mission of our community.  Our mission is to fight for people over profit. But what does that mean in a world where Donald Trump is President? I want to know how you are feeling right now, and what your reaction to the election result is.  What do you think our community should focus on in the coming months? GETTING MONEY OUT OF POLITICS FAIR TRADE DEALS STANDING

Brace for War - Against Trump's Impending Attacks on the Environment.

Dear Larry, Join the resistance: Stop Donald Trump's attacks on our environment. Donate now! The election is over. Donald Trump is our next President. There is no sugar-coating this. Trump is a grave threat to everything we stand for. He could unravel decades of hard-fought victories for people and the planet.

Record hail claims, payouts in Manitoba in 2016

Manitoba Co-Operator The big white combine took a heavy toll in Manitoba this year. Story here.

Political upheaval threatens Brazil’s environmental protections

Nature Barrage of proposals would allow developers  to  sidestep environmental reviews. S tory here.   The Amazon rainforest near Manaus. Photo by Neil Palmer/ CIAT

Cattle stranded, nerves fraying

Manitoba Co-Operator As the water keeps rising, cattle producers question pump- operation guidelines around The Pas. Story here.  

Oklahoma Rattled by Earthquake Near Pipeline Epicenter

CommonDreams Oklahoma has experienced thousands of earthquakes in recent years, which scientists have linked back to fracking and wastewater disposal. Story here.