
Why are fire seasons longer? People.

High Country News New research finds illegal campfires, cigarette butts and other accidental ignitions have nearly tripled the (US) wildfire season. Story here. Coconino National Forest, Arizona.  Jonathan Horn photo.

Lyme disease is set to explode and we still don’t have a vaccine

New Scientist A new prediction says 2017 and 2018 will see major Lyme  disease  outbreaks in new areas.  This could lead to lifelong  consequences ,  so where's the vaccine?   Story here.

Donald Trump’s attack on fresh water should be a wake-up call for Canadians

The Hill Times The recent release of the Canadian budget is a real opportunity for our current government to send a message to the rest of the world - that, despite the current political climate, we take our environment seriously.  Story here. Lake Superior, Minnesota. EPA photo.

How the BC government is failing endangered rainforests

Sierra Club of BC “The scope and scale of the ancient rainforest destruction in this incredible watershed (north Vancouver Island) is unimaginable.” Story here. Bugaboo Crk. Another, earlier example of clearcutting in BC.

Site C Dam Threatens Canada's Largest World Heritage Site: UNESCO

Sierra Club BC Wood Buffalo National Park. Photo credit: UNESCO -    Vincent Ko Hon Chiu  Canada has failed to protect its largest World Heritage Site. Based upon a process initiated by Sierra Club BC, UNESCO visited the Peace River Valley in the fall of 2016 to investigate how the Site C dam endangers Wood Buffalo National Park. UNESCO  strongly criticizes Canada for exposing the park to danger.  Story here.

Trump sued over Keystone XL pipeline

Nation of Change "We cannot stand by and allow oil and gas companies to ruin our climate and pollute our land, water and sacred cultural sites." Story here.

Man handed hefty fine for killing grizzly bear in northern Manitoba

Winnipeg Free Press On Wednesday, Carl Brown Jr. of South Carolina was found guilty of killing an animal that is protected under The Endangered Species and Ecosystems Act. Story here. Photo by Brocken Inaglory.