
Like Adding'Five to Six Hiroshima Bombs of Heat Each Second,' Study Shows Oceans Warming at Record Rate

CommonDreams "If you want to understand global warming, you have to measure ocean warming." Story here.

2019 the second-hottest year (a NASA video)


Peace River Frack-Up

PolicyNote (CCPA - the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives) Part 1 of a report on how fracking poses risks to BC Hydro’s Peace River dams, British Columbia, Canada. Story here. The site c dam, BC in an early stage of construction - 2016. Photo by Jeffrey Wynne 

On thin ice. Why ice loss matters. A NASA video.


Lethal algae blooms – an ecosystem out of balance

--> The Guardian Toxic formations across the US and the Baltic are part of a worrying trend linked to the climate crisis and farming methods  Story here. Lk. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, with Reindeer Is. in the lower right. Photo credit - European Space Agency. Mekong Turns from Brown to Blue-Green In late 2019, the river started to turn colours due  to a reduced sediment load and algae blooms. NASA Earth Observatory. RELATED: IN HOGS WE TRUST - Part 1V   "The environmental costs of intensive livestock operations.".

Australia's vulnerable species hit hard by fires

Science The grim toll on many helpless wild creatures from that countries epic infernos is slowly coming to light.  Story here. Below are some of the species at risk, possibly trapped in the flames. The beautiful Regent Honeyeater, already in diminishing numbers, living in an area threatened by the flames. Photo by Derek Keats, South Africa. The  pouched frog  ( Assa darlingtoni ), a small, terrestrial frog  found in rainforests in mountain areas of south-eastern Queensland &  northern New South Wales. Photo credit - Wikipedia. The endangered Blue Mountains Water Skink.  Taken a month after a bushfire. Photo by Sarshag7