Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Stop Cruel & Wasteful Fishing Practices - PLEASE SIGN!

Hi Larry,
I just wanted to check whether you saw my email from the other day, containing shocking footage from industrial tuna boats?
Already an incredible 103,000 emails have gone to Princes and John West, demanding they clean up their tuna.
The campaign is taking off - will you add your name too?
For the oceans,

This video shows the true face of FADs - Fish Aggregation Devices - which are used by industrial tuna fishers. They're artificial platforms, made up of floating materials and netting. These attract all kinds of marine life - which are then scooped up indiscriminately. The unwanted 'bycatch'- animals like sharks, turtles and rays - are then dumped overboard, dead and dying.
It's outrageous, and Princes and John West know it. Back in 2011, a massive public campaign convinced them to commit to quit using these destructive FADs. But three years on, it looks like those promises are getting broken.
Watch the video that Princes and John West don’t want you to see:
With two months left until their commitments are due, more than three quarters of the tuna Princes sells is still being caught using FADs. John West has until 2016 to phase them out - yet our intelligence is that they plan on re-writing their promise so they can keep using FADs.
But a mass public outcry will be hard to ignore. The tuna giants have bowed to pressure before - and now it’s time to remind them that we will not let them get away with going back on their word.
Tell John West and Princes to keep their promises and cut out FADs completely:
Personally, I'm outraged that these companies think they can fob us off with broken promises. But together I know we can hold them to account. Let's make the change happen.
With all my thanks,
Greenpeace Oceans team
PS: It doesn't have to be this way. Sustainable, selective pole and line fishing preserves fish stocks, and protects our oceans and vulnerable species. Let’s help Princes and John West see the light: https://secure.greenpeace.org.uk/dirty-tuna3

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If you no longer want to be in the loop with the latest news from these emails, we'll be really sad, but you can unsubscribe here.
Greenpeace Ltd, Canonbury Villas, London N1 2PN (registered in London no 1314381, VAT registration no 625951426)

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