
Greenhouse gas emissions at ‘an all-time high’ causing unprecedented rate of global warming - global scientists

EurekAlert - Peer-Reviewed Publication MAYNOOTH UNIVERSITY Human-caused global warming has continued to increase at an “unprecedented rate” since the last major assessment of the climate system published two years ago, say 50 leading scientists.          STORY HERE .


AUG 2019 Dear Yellowheadians,  Earlier this summer, in a letter in the Crossroads, I complained about a huge multi-million dollar roadbuilding project on Highway 21, south of Shoal Lake. While I wasn't crazy about the noise or the violation of my personal space, that's not why I'm writing this.  Here’s why. The United Nations warned some time ago that the construction sector needs to cut back on its huge carbon footprint “yesterday” if we are to meet our obligations under the Paris Climate Accord. Yet, either out of ignorance, apathy or downright defiance, a steady stream of diesel trucks rumbled through Shoal Lake for weeks, from dawn to dusk, right past my living room window.  Scant months ago, the Parks and Wilderness Society reminded us that world biodiversity (the variety of plant and animal life on Earth) is declining faster now than at any other time in human history. Yet that did not stop the trucks from making hundreds of round trips a day, hauling copious loads of

Contamination of the marine environment by Antarctic research stations:

EUREKA ALERT Monitoring marine pollution at Casey station from 1997 to 2015   Please also read;  Black carbon footprint of human presence in Antarctica

New research method determines health impacts of heat and air quality

Peer-Reviewed Publication UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO Even moderate temperature increases can cause more emergency hospital visits and deaths. Story here.

Is Earth ready for some sunblock?

 MOTHER CORP News Big ideas for slowing climate change — and big risks, too



New research finds that more than 90% of global aquaculture faces substantial risk from environmental change

Peer-Reviewed Publication UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA - SANTA BARBARA Many of the world’s largest aquatic food producers are highly vulnerable to human-induced environmental change, with some of the highest-risk countries in Asia, Latin America and Africa demonstrating the lowest capacity for adaptation,  a landmark study  has shown. Read another version here. Please also read; Toxic Tides , the tragedy of fish farming everywhere.