Saturday, May 16, 2015

The Alberta-Based Think-Tank, the Pembina Institute, is Skeptical About Canada's Latest Greenhouse Gas Targets

The Pembina Insitute
The Koch Brothers fertilizer plant in Brandon, MB: At one time, 
Manitoba's largest single source of greenhouse gas pollution. (PinP photo.)
Given Canada’s history of setting climate targets while failing to implement regulations to meet them, today’s announcement doesn’t mean much without a credible plan of action to back it up. Story here.

1 comment:

John Fefchak said...

In response to the Government of Canada’s announcement it intends to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 30 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030.

I believe the best two words for this announcement is ….fuddle duddle. Unfortunately, this Environment minister in the Harper regime is no different than her
predecessors when it comes to promises made…..promises broken.

Since 2006, the Canadian Conservative Party government led by Prime Minister Stephen Harper has adopted few and gutted many environmental laws and policies dealing with rising greenhouse emissions, pollution problems and climate change. ( Elizabeth May..2013)

International Court of Justice Hearings on the Obligations of States in Respect of Climate Change

International Institute for Sustainable Development The International Court of Justice will issue an advisory opinion on the  obligations of...