Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Hog Watch Reps Caution Government Ministers to Treat Industry Expansion With Caution - Lake Winnipeg Health at Risk

Hog Watch Manitoba
(Winnipeg May 17) - A citizens group which monitors the hog industry in Manitoba, has cautioned the provincial government, if it goes ahead with its apparent plans to expand production, not to repeat the mistakes of the past. In a recent meeting with three cabinet ministers, Hog Watch Manitoba  (HWM) reminded them how “technical review committees,” which used to “oversee” the construction of both hog barns and lagoons designed to hold the waste, overlooked errors in the planning. These errors were so serious, they eroded both the public’s trust of the industry and in government policies relating to it.

HWM is deeply concerned about the Consultation paper recently released about proposed changes to the Livestock Manure and Mortalities Management Regulation. Fred Tait, member of the HWM Steering Committee, says “We fear that if implemented, it will simply enhance the mistakes of the previous administration.”

HWM urges the government to implement the recommendations made by the Clean Environment Commission(CEC) in their 2007 report on Environmental Sustainability and Hog Production in Manitoba. “The CEC recommended reviews of the phosphorus application provisions in manure and further research into phosphorus in soils which has not been done” says Vicki Burns of HWM.  “Why are we using taxpayers’ money to fund the Clean Environment Commission if we’re not going to pay attention to their recommendations?” she asks. "The health of our lakes, including Lake Winnipeg, is at risk."

The cabinet ministers at the meeting were, The Minister of Agriculture, Minister of Sustainable Development and Minister of Indigenous and Municipal Affairs.

For further information contact:
Fred Tait – 204-252-2153
Janine Gibson – 204-434-6018
Vicki Burns - 204-489-3852 or

1 comment:

John Fefchak said...

The basic fundamentals of animal stewardship, the protection of our waters and environment
must not be nonchalantly put aside just to "even the playing field." as was stated by the Deputy Agr. Minister This would be a classic betrayal of governments responsibilities of protection to the public, whom they have sworn to serve.
Also, there are peoples health issues at stake, which must be recognized and taken into consideration.
To do less, would be negligence of their commitment.

The public expects, and deserves better; and as we have been warned
by Justice Horace Krever:
" The relationship between a regulator and the regulated must never
become one in which the regulator (the Province or Municipal government ) loses sight that it regulates only in the public interest
and not in the interests of the regulated.