Thursday, December 22, 2011

Greg Selinger Strikes a Blow for Fire Safety - Shuts Down "Occupy Winnipeg!"

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PLT: Congratulations, Mr. Premier, I feel much safer now that you have evicted the three remaining protestors from the camp in Memorial Park. It was, after all, a firestorm waiting to happen - perhaps enveloping your place of business - the provincial legislature - if not much of the capitol, itself! (Sarcasm intended.)

Might we now expect provincial authorities to move in on owners of million dollar homes and evict them under cover of darkness, if they do not have firewalls installed between their houses and attached garages?  

Of course not. That would be ridiculous! 

But is it any less ridiculous to bring down the heavy hand of government on the Occupiers and no one else? The inference here seems to be that any fire where there are a few tents - (perhaps $89 specials from Canadian Tire?) would represent a much larger hazard to public safety than the massive fire which recently destroyed the huge home in Linden Woods, (L. KEN GIGLIOTTI / WINNIPEG FREE PRESS) apparently one which might have been prevented, but for lax building codes in effect when the home was built.

Might this be a shining example of what Occupiers everywhere have been saying since Day One? (i.e. There is one set of laws for the top 1% - another for the rest of us.)

Oh, and another thing, Mr. Premier, you have now carved out a political "non-niche" of remarkable uniformity among North American leaders, including the likes of Rob Ford and Michael Bloomberg, those "progressive" mayors who worship the kind of law and order which protects elites over everything else.  You have just blown a golden opportunity to show the world that your NDP government, the only one in Canada, is somehow different. 

You are no different. 

As for the protestors, your camp may have been an insignificant annoyance to some. To me, it was a humble but shining expression of the human spirit, bent on improving things for the 99% of us who need it. Congratulations for what you have done! I hope you continue in some form or other!

Please also read: "Of Banksters, Occupiers and Head-Knockers."

The Home of "Canada's Reindeer" is Being Destroyed. They Need Your Help!

Please donate generously to this Nature Canada cause.
 PLT; If there were any justice in this world,  it would be the tar sands corporations (and their mindless investors) who are paying the bill to help our caribou. Afer all, who else (apart from our hollow, compliant politicians) is responsible for denuding vast areas of precious boreal forest,  depriving these bautiful, vulnerable animals of critical habitat!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The 20 Worst Wall Street Banks Funding Our Filthiest Polluters

Dec 13, 2011 Alternet
A new study identifies the top 20 "climate killer" banks by the amount of financial support they give the coal industry. Details here.

PLT: Please also read, "How Ethical are Canada's Ethical Funds?"

Greenpeace's Year in Pictures (Video)

Durban: Where the Climate Deniers-in-Chief Ran the Show

Mark Hertsgaard -The Nation - 12/21/11
A different and more dangerous breed of climate denier commanded the stage at the recently concluded international negotiations in Durban, South Africa. Details here.
Courtesy of Alternet

Study Documents Nigerian Children Died From Families’ Gold Mining

Environmental Health News
Large numbers of infants and toddlers have died from lead poisoning in Nigerian villages where their parents process gold ore inside their family compounds, according to a report…Details here.

Monday, December 19, 2011

A Dirty Salvage Operation

Residents retrieve a car which was washed away in Friday's flash flooding in southern Philippines Monday. With funeral parlors overwhelmed, authorities organized the first mass burial of unidentified victims who were swept to their deaths in one of the worst calamities to strike the region in decades.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Does Politics Trump Science in the Obama White House?

Politico - Dec 15 '11
President Barack Obama turned it into a campaign-trail talking point: He would end the Bush administration’s “war on science.” Read more:

Smog over New York.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Lax Federal Monitoring Putting Canadians at Risk: Environment Commissioner

By Jason Fekete, Postmedia News December 13, 2011
OTTAWA — The public safety of Canadians is increasingly at risk because the federal government is failing to monitor and enforce its regulations on dangerous goods and decades-old oil and gas pipelines, Canada's environment watchdog warns in a new report. Details here.

Monday, December 12, 2011

White Christmas? Dream on: Environment Canada says Snow Less Likely Over Time

By: Michelle McQuigge, The Canadian Press - 12/12/2011

TORONTO - Dreaming of a white Christmas may be a holiday tradition, but Canadians are more likely than ever to wake up instead to the dreary brown reality wrought by climate change, Environment Canada said Monday. Details here.

The shrinking Columbia Icefield, an important source of meltwater for Canada's prairie rivers. PinP photo.

A Stunning and Disturbing Tableau of Mother Earth - a Must-See Video!

Are CBC’s science reporters violating Mother Corp’s own Journalistic Standards and Practices? (Opinion)

According to the JSP, “We do not promote any particular point of view.” Yet if you heard our Senior Science Reporter talk about the first pr...