
Why the Secret Criminal Investigation of WikiLeaks Should Trouble Journalists.

Columbia Journalism Review The media is overlooking the details of an investigation that could have implications for all news organizations. Story here.

Harper's Police State Law

The Tyee Passing it means 'death of freedom' writes Green leader Elizabeth May. Story here.

Manitoba’s Small Scale Food Report is Food for Thought

Kate Storey - Manitoba Co-Operator More and more people are interested in buying food direct from the farm. Story here.

Canadian Climate Scientist Wins $50,000 In Libel Lawsuit Against Conservative Newspaper

climateprogress A prominent Canadian climatologist, Andrew Weaver (l.),  has won his libel lawsuit against The National Post, after a judge decided that the newspaper had published several articles that were both inaccurate and defamatory to his character. Story here.

Energy East 101


A Shock to the System - Fish for the Killing?

by George Monbiot - the Guardian A new form of marine mass destruction is outrageously being justified by the EU and its member states in the name of “scientific research."  Story here.