Friday, November 14, 2014

Who Pays the Price for Canada's Dirty Tar Sands?

1 comment:

John Fefchak said...

I believe we all,each and every one of us have been given the option of making choices. However,since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution and the vast and huge Agri-farming operations, and the demands of the oil and gas industry, many,(too many) considerations for our wonders of creation have been brushed aside for the benefit of only growth and profit. So you see,the choice is ours. We either pay up now,or later, at a much greater cost;and not just to us, but also our grandchildren and the generations of the future. The warning signs are being posted. Are we going to dismiss the perils of "not paying attention" and continue on our relentless pace of what we refer to as "progress and economical development"?
Repeatedly,we have been warned that,as humans,we are on a dangerous path. We subordinate ecological concerns to the demand of the economy,political and personal ambitions. The planet can no longer sustain such a relationship and needs to heal. A change of attitude is needed. Unfortunately our Canadian ambassador to the U.S.,the former Premier of Manitoba, has reverted back, to being and playing the role of a politician, in the oil pipeline controversy.
We can see that life is a cycling phenomenon which forms within a single system. Nothing stands alone - No individual,species or community,for in a cycle each thing and each event in one way or another is connected with everything else. We,all of us, are but strands in the web of life and what we do to the web,we ultimately do to ourselves.
Once we accept this simple understanding and dedicate a commitment to improve our ways; there is always the hope that mankind will survive. Otherwise, if we choose to continue on our present collision path with nature,we will perish in the holocaust that we, as humans, have created. The operations of the Tar Sands is an excellent example of destruction,initiated by humans.
Therefore, economic development,moreover needs to take into consideration the integrity and rhythm of nature,because natural resources are limited and finite. And all economic activity that uses natural resources must also include the "costs of safeguarding" the environment into the calculations of the overall costs of its activity.
This would be an excellent time to redefine the word..."progress 'and contemplate the consequences of future actions in a sober and respectful manner

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