Saturday, March 11, 2017

Scott Pruitt Went on TV to Deny Climate Change

Friends of the Earth.
Dear Larry,
Don’t let Trump, Pruitt and Congress destroy the EPA. Give $15 or more today!
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Scott Pruitt -- the head of the Environmental Protection Agency -- went on TV this week to deny climate change. Pruitt said he doesn’t think carbon dioxide is a key driver of climate change. 
Pruitt’s comments expose just how extreme his views are. And they show what we’re up against if we want to stop Trump from destroying our planet.
Trump and Pruitt are poised to scrap the Clean Power Plan, gut our protections against car emissions, and cut the EPA’s staff. At Friends of the Earth Action, we’re working to stop these attacks on our environment -- but we need your help!
Help stop the climate denier running the EPA from destroying our planet: Give $15 to Friends of the Earth Action NOW!
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Scott Pruitt is wasting no time in stacking the EPA’s staff with fellow climate deniers. He’s drawing from former staffers of Senator Inhofe -- the Senator who brought a snowball to the Senate floor to cast doubt on climate science. 
And just in case that’s not enough for Pruitt’s Big Oil backers, he’s bringing in fossil fuel industry lobbyists to fill other high-level positions.
But the attacks on the EPA aren’t just coming from Pruitt. Republicans in the House of Representatives have introduced a bill to “terminate” the agency. And Trump is drumming up support for an EPA budget that would starve the agency of its power to enforce our environmental protections.
It’s clear what they’re trying to do. They want to damage the EPA so badly that it won’t ever be able to recover -- no matter who’s in Congress or the White House. We have to fight back!
The EPA has never faced threats like this before. Donate $15 or more and help save the agency!
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Together, we can still stop the worst of these attacks on our environment.
The Senate can block Trump’s proposed EPA staff and budget cuts. So at Friends of the Earth Action, we’re gearing up for when Congress is home in their districts next month. We’re training people like you to go to Town Hall Meetings and push your Members of Congress to stand up to Trump.
And it’s working -- just this week, Senator Graham (R-SC) dealt a blow to Trump’s agenda by opposing a massive giveaway to Big Oil.
Meanwhile, we’ll take Trump and Pruitt to court to stop their executive actions. And we’ll continue to expose their lies while shining a light on their ties to the fossil fuel industry. But we need your help to keep this important work going.
Don’t let Trump, Pruitt and Congress destroy the EPA! Give $15 to Friends of the Earth Action TODAY! 
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Standing with you,
Ben Schreiber,
Senior political strategist,
Friends of the Earth Action

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1 comment:

PinP said...

Scott Pruitt is a fraud invented by deplorables to render truth, science and decency, non-competitive.


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