Dear Larry,
Stop Trump's attacks on the EPA. Give $15 or more today!
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Donald Trump is aiming to cut the EPA by more than 30%. He’d slash more than 3,000 staff. And he’d starve the agency of the resources it needs to protect our air, water, and climate.
Attacking the EPA is one of Trump’s top priorities in his budget proposal. But his plan has to go through Congress. That means we can still stop these cuts to the EPA -- but we need your help!
Help stop Trump’s massive cuts to the EPA: Give $15 to Friends of the Earth Action today!
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Trump’s proposed budget would make it all but impossible for the EPA to keep our air and water clean and our climate safe. The result? Big Polluters could destroy our planet with reckless abandon.
This is a clear attempt to damage the EPA so badly that it won’t be able to recover.
The good news is, Trump’s proposal is so extreme that even some Republicans are backing away from it. That means we have a real chance at stopping these cuts.
So at Friends of the Earth Action, we’re ramping up the pressure on Congress to save the EPA. We’re training people like you to take action in your communities to show your Representatives the importance of this crucial agency.
Meanwhile, we’re organizing across the country to make sure our Representatives hear from environmentalists like you when they’re back home in their districts next month. With your help, we’re preparing to show up at town hall meetings, political fundraisers, or anywhere else we can find Members of Congress. We’ll demand to know what they’re doing to help save the EPA. Together, we can send the message that doing nothing while Trump guts the EPA is unacceptable.
Help us organize around the country to block Trump’s attacks on the EPA: Give $15 or more to Friends of the Earth Action!
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Trump’s budget is just one part of his larger plan to hand over our government to Big Oil. He put Scott Pruitt -- who went on TV last week to deny climate change -- in charge of the EPA. And Pruitt is stacking the agency with fossil fuel industry lobbyists.
Meanwhile, Trump signed an Executive Order to eliminate the Clean Water Rule. He advanced the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines. And he’s poised to gut the Clean Power Plan any day now.
The clock is ticking on preventing climate chaos. Our planet can’t afford a stripped-down EPA. We have to fight back.
Don’t let Trump and his Big Oil cronies destroy our environment: Give $15 or more NOW!
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Standing with you,
Ben Schreiber,
Senior political strategist,
Friends of the Earth Action
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